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What is DIAM?

For whom?

DIAM is a directory of pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical products marketed in sub-Saharan African countries. It is an extremely simple tool designed to meet the needs and wishes expressed by prescribers.


Because there is no tool to list and classify reliable information on pharmaceutical products sold in these countries.

What products are available in each country? Which laboratories distribute them? How much do they cost? Which excipients? Where can I find information? What about pharmacovigilance? And finally, what to prescribe?

DIAM is a reliable, up-to-date database of pharmaceutical presentations available in every country in Sub-Saharan Africa.


It's an online database:

With DIAM, all African prescribers have access to a free tool, available 24 hours a day, both on their Smartphone and in their practice, and adapted to the country in which they work.


APIDPM is an interactive communications agency specializing in the African medical web. It is a private commercial company.

APIDPM publishes the print and electronic versions of Médecine d'Afrique francophone (ex Médecine d'Afrique noire) and Tropical Dental Journal, 2 internationally renowned medical journals.

Since March 2000, APIDPM has also been publishing 2 health websites for the general public: Santé tropicale and Santé Maghreb.


For further information, questions or advice, please contact APIDPM:

135, chemin de Canto Mai
83190 Ollioules - France

Phone: +33 4 94 63 24 99

e-mail : using the dedicated form or directly to the following address: