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APIDPM is an interactive communications agency specializing in the African medical web, created to generate the resources needed to develop Tropical Health websites.

Relying on world-renowned medical websites and qualified files of healthcare professionals, APIDPM has developed e-communication partnerships with the pharmaceutical industry and is responsible for the development of each of these media, without any subsidies:

Websites for healthcare professionals only

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General public websites

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Digital pharmaceutical communication

Access to the medical websites designed and developed by APIDPM Santé tropicale is free of charge for healthcare professionals practicing or studying in sub-Saharan Africa.

And for African healthcare professionals, accurate, up-to-date pharmaceutical information is essential, helping them to prescribe the right drugs at the right time.

The business model for the development of APIDPM Santé Tropicale's tools is therefore based on an intelligent partnership between healthcare professionals and the pharmaceutical laboratories and medical equipment suppliers present in the region.

In concrete terms, APIDPM Santé tropicale offers pharmaceutical and medical e-communication tools that are relevant to both subscribers and laboratories. 4 axes are proposed:


For further information, questions or advice, please contact APIDPM:

135, chemin de Canto Mai
83190 Ollioules - France

Phone: +33 4 94 63 24 99

e-mail : using the dedicated form or directly to the following address: