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Frequently Asked Questions

If you can't find the answer you're looking for in this section, use the form to ask us your questions. Our team will be happy to help you.

What is DIAM used for?

DIAM is a database of pharmaceutical, parapharmaceutical and medical device products marketed in Africa. Its function is to inform users about the availability of products in their country, and to provide the necessary documentation on these products.

DIAM offers several search tools:

Who is DIAM for?

DIAM has been specifically designed for healthcare professionals who prescribe pharmaceutical treatments, to provide them with comprehensive, reliable information on the products available in their country.
Certain sections of DIAM, which do not deal with medicines, can be used by the general public:

Only healthcare professionals registered (free of charge) with DIAM can access the CPRs of pharmaceutical products.

Do I have to pay to access DIAM?

No, DIAM is completely free to use.

Why register for DIAM?

Only healthcare professionals prescribing medical treatments are required to register (free of charge). Registration gives them access to summaries of product characteristics (SPCs).

Why aren't certain products listed in DIAM?

DIAM is not an exhaustive directory of marketed products. Pharmaceutical laboratories, companies selling parapharmaceutical products and distributors of medical equipment are invited to list their products. To do so, they must pay the cost of listing their products.

Peut-on consulter le DIAM sur son Smartphone ?

Yes, DIAM is available in several forms:

Is DIAM available in print?

Not at present, but the project is under study.

How do I search for a product in DIAM?

DIAM offers several search tools:


For further information, questions or advice, please contact APIDPM:

135, chemin de Canto Mai
83190 Ollioules - France

Phone: +33 4 94 63 24 99

e-mail : using the dedicated form or directly to the following address: